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Quantum Hypnosis &

Energetic Healing

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."  

Nicola Tesla

These words could not be more true.  As a multidimensional energy healer and channeler I have been taught how to expand one’s consciousness from planetary, solar, and galactic levels into their cosmic and universal levels of consciousness where they begin to know themselves as a Source Oneness which experiences itself through the multiverse choosing to create and explore aligned with Unity, Oneness & Unconditional Love.  One beings to know themselves as an aspect and expression of Source which knows itself as Source, and creates their realities from that perspective of knowing.  


I have been practicing Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (“QHHT”) and other quantum healing therapies in London since 2014. The breadth of my experience ranges from hypnotherapy techniques such as QHHT, quantum hypnosis, past life regressions, general regression hypnosis and timeline healing of ancestral lineages to multidimensional energy matrix readings, soul journey readings, high frequency multi-dimensional healing, alignment, calibrations and upgrades and attunements of the human energy matrix, including multidimensional soul integrations.  I also teach regular workshops with the goal of empowering individuals with the knowledge required for self-healing, strengthening their connection to their Higherselves and their divine Source frequencies, understanding the power of their thoughts and emotions as a co-creator of their reality, how to work with metaphysical laws of the universe and ascension mechanics during this time of awakening.

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Being Oneness


Many Blessings,



Jane MacDougall

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The purpose of my practice is to teach people to understand how truly powerful they are as individuals.   To begin to embody the remembrance of their Souls knowledge as a pure expression of Source.  How powerful their thoughts and emotions are as co-creators, and how addressing unproductive mental and emotional patterns are where self-healing begins.  I want to empower individuals to believe in themselves and to know that they have control of their health and happiness rather than delegating these states of being to others. 


As a multidimensional healer, spiritual development and ascension teacher,  I work with my clients to release lower density energies throughout their multidimensional energy bodies so they may activate and integrate their higher frequency soul consciousness.  As part of this process I also teach my clients how to connect to  and strengthen their connection to their Higherselves, IAM, Divine Soul Lineage and Source aspects of SELF.

The process of healing is a personal journey that is truly unique to each individual.  All thoughts and emotions carry a specific energy frequency.  Where the vibrational frequency of the thought or emotion is lower than the natural frequency of the individual’s energy field, the flow of energy through the field is disrupted resulting in blockages, depletion and congestion.  As both an energy healer and quantum hypnosis practitioner, I witness first hand how these negative emotions and thought patterns create the energetic imbalances.  As these emotions and thought patterns are reinforced over time, they then begin to manifest themselves as physical symptoms which can become chronic illnesses if they are not addressed.

Because we are working together on a quantum level, mental, emotional and physical healing can be profound, even instantaneous.  What is important to remember is that my role is as your guide and facilitator.  I hold the sacred space on a mutidimensional level, I create that safe place and act as a conduit for the higher vibrational energies that then allows the individual to take the journey they need to heal themselves regardless of which modality is used.  

On a more sophisticated level, the journey of Awakening, or as more people refer to it, “Ascension”, requires an individual to make a commitment to heal many aspects of their multidimensional energetic bodies and consciousness residing in 3D and 4D, raising their overall frequency to anchor 5D consciousness into their energy field.  I also teach my clients how to begin expanding their consciousness into 6D-12D and beyond depending on their level of interest.  The process of Ascension is a slower and more dedicated journey whereby the healing is experienced in layers throughout dimensions much like peeling the layers of an onion.  This journey into 5D is also a journey requiring the integration of higher dimensional soul aspects and the calling home and healing of soul fragments that have been created throughout lifetimes.  Each individual’s journey is totally unique and dictated to some degree by the individual’s soul plan and purpose.

I absolutely love what I do, and I love that I have been blessed with the opportunity to support and guide each of the beautiful people who come to me on their journey of healing, self-understanding and self-empowerment.  I look forward to taking this journey with you.  

In love and light,


P.S.  As with everything that enters your life, as you experience my website and all that is written, feel it in your heart.  If what you see or read does not resonate with you, leave it behind.  It is not right for you at this time.  If it triggers you, take a journey within to understand why.  If it pulls at you, feel it, question it, consider it, perhaps even pursue it.  If it resonates in your heart, then follow your heart, as it is your heart that is to guide you into your new future.

About Jane MacDougall

Past Life Regression

Past life regressions are a unique and powerful experience that enable you to learn more about yourself, relevant people in your life, and the mental and emotional patterns you have carried with you through lifetimes.  By taking this journey you are given the opportunity to understand, reconcile and heal unproductive patterns leaving them in the past and setting yourself free to create a new future.   After a past life regression you will find you are more empowered in your life by the confidence and understanding that comes with your new insights.  

Quantum Energy Healing


Quantum Energy Healing

During these sessions I work  with my Higherself, IAM, Cosmic Aquamarine and Source levels of consciousness.  These aspects of my soul’s consciousness work directly with your Higherself, IAM and Source soul aspects to provide you with a clearing of all that is no longer required.  Opening, clearing, and activating necessary energy centers (chakras). Balancing, recalibrating, attuning and bringing your energy bodies back into alignment with your divine Source frequencies to the greatest extent possible.  Facilitating any upgrades, activations, attunements and/or integrations.  What is achieved during these sessions is as directed by your Higherself, IAM and Source levels of consciousness for your highest and greatest good at that time.  I always request that the maximum be achieved.   As I resonate with the Aquamarine frequencies of Source consciousness, there will be deep healing which will occur during your session.  When booking this session set the intention that your divine Source frequencies come forward to guide the release of all that no longer serves you on all the levels of your being including planetary, solar, galactic, cosmic and universal.

Healing Vibrations Services
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Channeling Your Higherself,

IAM & Source 

During these sessions I channel your Higherself, IAM & Source levels of consciousness for you.   These readings are an opportunity to understand yourself on a soul level from the perspective of yourself as a Source Being.  We talk directly to these higher frequency aspects of YOU to receive insights and guidance.  Your Higherself, IAM and Source know everything about your past, present, future and multidimensional lifetimes.  Your Higherself resides at the level of your Monadic consciousness, typically associated with 9D.  Your IAM begins at 12D and your Source frequencies exist within all aspects of your being from 1-144 levels and beyond.  Knowing yourself as a Source Being begins at 144 and beyond.   Your divine source frequencies or Source templating is You as a creator consciousness that knows itself as Source and creates from that level of awareness.

Soul Journey Reading


Soul Journey Reading
Understand your soul origins, your galactic history and your lives on Earth. During this reading I provide you with information regarding your higher frequency soul aspects that guide you.  I am given an overview of your journey from Source down through the frequencies to Earth. 
We will cover archetypes and incarnational patterns that you have explored at the universal, cosmic, galactic, solar and planetary levels.  I 
will also explain their origin and the frequency at which they reside.​  I then ask for your soul's journey of incarnation within the Milky Way Galaxy. To further understand the origin of your energetic wounds I also request information regarding trauma memories and their origin so they are identified for healing.  As I resonate with the Aquamarine frequencies of Source consciousness, there will be deep healing which will occur during your session.  When booking this session set the intention that your divine Source frequencies come forward to guide the release of all that no longer serves you on all the levels of your being including planetary, solar, galactic, cosmic and universal. 

Energy Matrix Reading


Energy Matrix Reading
Learn to understand your mental,
emotional and energetic wounds.  It is so much easier to release the traumas and difficulties in your life when you come to understand the origin of the patterns.  Often you will learn that the origins are not from your current life, but from lifetimes you have no memory of.  These readings are similar to journeying into the "Dark Night of the Soul" but with a road map.  During the reading I work with your Higherself to provide you with information regarding the state of alignment of your energetic bodies, a review of your chakras from the Cosmic Sun Star up to the Cosmic gateway, identification of mental and emotional blockages, missing soul fragments that need to be healed, energetic cords or leaks and other energetic nuances which create imbalance and frequency distortions in your energy field.  During these sessions there is always healing which will occur.  As we work though your energy field you will be guided on how to work with your higher frequency soul aspects to release that which no longer serves you. 


I teach a series of classes of each year to guide individuals through their ascension journey.  To find out more please follow the link to the Events and Classes page.

  • Connecting to your Higherself, IAM & Source ~These aspects of Self are already a part of you.  Learn how to channel your Higherself, IAM & Source to begin the path of creating a reunion of your divine source frequencies and soul aspects within your human embodiment. 

  • Quantum Energetic Hygiene ~ Learning How to Establish Energetic Sovereignty, Maintain Energetic Boundaries and Clearing Your Home and Crystals

  • Quantum Energy Healing ~ Level I | Learn How to Read Your Energy Field Working with Your Higherself for Self-Healing and Activations. 

  • Quantum Energy Healing ~ Level II | Navigating the 12D Human Energy Matrix ~ Learn How to Expand your Consciousness into the 12 Layer and Take your Healing to a New Level.

  • Quantum Consciousness ~ Mentorship for expanding into levels 13 to 144 of the human consciousness structure and integrating your Cosmic and Source levels of identity. 

  • Group Hypnosis ~ Past Life Regression & Meet Your Spirit Guide

  • Quantum Consciousness Call ~ An opportunity for individuals to join me via Zoom to ask their questions.

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