Videos & Interviews
Join me for a series of quantum consciousness talks about energy healing, QHHT, quantum hypnosis and the role we play in our own healing journeys.
Understanding the Divine Masculine from a Quantum Perspective
Join me with Gary & Kaspa of the Quantum Bridge as we discuss the nuances of how the divine masculine is manifested within the human quantum consciousness. We also talk about manifestation of ourselves and within ourselves in alignment with the exalted aspects of our divine masculine abilities as Source creators.
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All future videos can be found on my YouTube Channel 💗
Channeling the Founders | Guidance on Mastering Your Frequency into 5D
All of my quantum energy healing and my understanding of the 12D human energy matrix has been taught to me by the Founders.
They have come forward as it is an important time during the Shift into 5D. We are being asked to expand our awareness as to how we perceive ourselves as humans and our capabilities. In order to expand our consciousness to embody the full capacity of our 12D energy matrix, we must become masters of frequency within ourselves, especially in times of adversity.
Today, they are beginning to discuss the basic concepts of how to practically engage with your energy fields to begin the process of becoming Masters. The Founders also supported me in grounding the frequencies of UNITY, ONENESS and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE consciousnesses. These are incredibly healing frequencies.
The channeling was over 2 hours. I have edited it to bring forward the main principles.
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All future videos can be found on my YouTube Channel 💗
Ascension Energies ~ Navigating the Release of Reversal Frequencies into Unity Consciousness and 5D Activations
Let’s talk about what it means and how it feels to connect to UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS and how to release our separation from self beliefs (aka reversal frequencies). Unity Consciousness allows for instantaneous integrations and activations combined with expansion and frequency increase. Let’s go QUANTUM! Shift your paradigms of perception.
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Connecting to Your Higherself ~ Part I & Part II
Understanding the Human Energy Matrix
2 Part Video Series on the Role of the Higherself
Join me on my YouTube Channel ~ QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS ~ Where we will learn to connect with our Higherselves, navigate our soul consciousness, and master our energy fields to become conscious Co-Creators. As a multidimensional energy healer I will share the unique perspective and understandings I have acquired. I hope that one day this information will become common knowledge.
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Cosmic Gateway & Cosmic Sun Star Ascension
Activations ~ Upgrading the Human Energy Matrix
Join me on my YouTube Channel ~ QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS ~ Where we will learn to connect with our Higherselves, navigate our soul consciousness, and master our energy fields to become conscious Co-Creators. As a multidimensional energy healer I will share the unique perspective and understandings I have acquired. I hope that one day this information will become common knowledge.
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Join Kerry Pearce and I as we discuss the role of quantum hypnosis and QHHT in the healing journey. How quantum hypnosis can be used as a tool for self-understanding, healing emotional trauma, releasing self-destructive patterns, as well as accessing the knowledge and insights of the Higherself to understand our Soul Purpose.
Kerry is an EFT Practitioner who specializes in women’s mental and physical health throughout all stages of life. You can find her at:
Join Nicola and I for our Consciousness Talk on energetic sovereignty, setting boundaries, a method for connecting to your Higherself, the energetic role of our beliefs and the benefit of energy matrix and soul journey readings in the process of learning to understand and interact with your energy field.
Join Nicola Russell and I for our quantum consciousness chat about energy healing, QHHT, quantum hypnosis and the role we play in our own healing journeys.