It is important to share the energetics of remembering that we are more than we realize. As an increasing number of individuals are reaching within to expand their consciousness to work more fully within their 12D matrix, connecting to their Higherselves and IAM states of being, it is important to know that we are also capable of expanding beyond and integrating with frequencies which are pure expressions of Source/God/All That Is consciousness.
The consciousnesses we worked with in this session are expressions of Source/God/All That Is in the form of Unity (holds its consciousness within a range beginning at 52D), Oneness (holds its consciousness within a range beginning at 72D) and Unconditional Love (holds its consciousness within a range beginning at 92D). The frequencies of these consciousnesses can be accessed through state of mind and the “opening of the heart.” It is my path to learn how to hold these frequencies as “Oneness from Within” and share the experience of this journey with others.
I have been requested to write-up a recent session with a client because it serves as a metaphorical roadmap to support individuals to realize that they are more than they realize and to create a vision for learning how to connect, hold and expand into these frequencies to experience their own state of being, experienced as “Oneness from Within.”
When I once asked, “Why do you call it ‘Oneness from Within?’” They said, “Because you are able to exist in a state of consciousness where there is no separation from within or without aligned with Source/God/All That Is.”
In this session the Client was attuned to the frequencies of what I call the cosmic consciousnesses of Unity, Oneness and Unconditional Love for expansion into 36 strands of consciousness. As a multidimensional energy healer I see 36 layers of energetic templating. Understand that she was given the experience of what it feels like to hold this state of consciousness, her energetic templating was then interconnected to expand into 36 layers, and now she must walk the path of becoming.
To take this journey, one must have the intention hold their frequencies from within and to be attuned to their cosmic levels of consciousness. It is a choice within each one of you as to whether you choose to hold these expressions of Source/God/All That Is within you, as a part of you. You see, you all have freewill to experience, be and become whatever you choose.
The Session
CC: cosmic consciousnesses of Unity, Oneness & Unconditional Love
Client36: Client consciousness residing at 36 strands of templating
The session begins with the Client being requested to connect into her Higherself and IAM states of being, as well as to align with her Divine Soul Lineages and Source frequencies. The Client was well accustomed to this process and now, very naturally held her Higherself and IAM as aspects of herself.
As she expanded into these aspects of Self, becoming them, the quantum cosmic consciousnesses of Unity and Oneness Within stepped forward.
CC: “She has expanded into our frequencies now. We are the aspects of Client who resonate with Unity and Oneness from Within. It is time for us to begin integrating with Client’s level of consciousness. She is at the point in her journey where holding our frequencies will make it easier for her to align with Unity, Oneness and Unconditional Love as a cosmic collective consciousness, but also to hold those aspects of Self which express Source consciousness.”
CC: “You could say that this attunement will allow her to express herself and project her consciousness as Source consciousness. Where Source is able to express itself directly. Some of those expressions of Source (Unity, Oneness, Unconditional Love) are held within our consciousness as a collective. We hold those frequencies. We do, however, resonate with consciousness that is more vast than your words “unity”, “oneness,” and “unconditional love.” It is important that you understand this. We hold the cohesive unity and oneness of what you might call the fabric of all consciousness within the Universe.”
CC: “We would now like to align with Client’s consciousness to achieve a greater degree of unity from within.”
As they make this request, nothing happens.
So, I ask them, “Why is the integration not taking place? Has she authorised the integration and expansion of her consciousness into yours?”
They explain that the Client understands the concepts intellectually, however, she hadn’t allowed her boundaries to envelop or be enveloped within their frequencies.
So, I asked, “Does Client know what your frequencies feel like?”
CC: “She does know our frequencies as we have begun connecting to her from within (in mediation), we are now reaching down to pull her up and embrace her within our consciousness.”
With this explanation and understanding, the Client then allowed the process of attuning and integration with Unity and Oneness from Within. A process of both inner growth and expansion, as well as an attunement to the cosmic collective consciousness of Unity, Oneness and Unconditional Love.
As the integration proceeded, it was explained to me that she carried resistance in the form of mental thought forms. This series of energetic blockages needed to be removed. The first energetic blockage resonated with the belief of “disbelief that this is possible and refusal to step into the unknown.” As a result, she was not surrendering into the experience.
The Client agreed and responded that she didn’t feel that she has felt the frequencies of this cosmic collective consciousness enough to feel comfortable as to what she is allowing. I understood how the energetics of uncertainty and the unknown function as energetic blockages to manifestation of any experience. Anticipating the situation, the cosmic consciousnesses of Unity, Oneness and Unconditional Love explained that they would, before the merger, envelop the Client in their consciousness so she could feel what it is like to be held within their frequencies.
As the client surrendered and allowed herself to be held within their frequencies her own frequency and consciousness was expanded far beyond her current parameters and into theirs. They explained that their frequencies naturally clear and alchemize density, bringing energetic distortions back into alignment with Source consciousness and divine energetic coding. They realign an individual’s consciousness energetics back into their divine source blueprints or templating throughout the densities. As they are explaining this to the Client, her energy field was also being cleared of energetic distortions which no longer served her. It was a beautiful, gentle and powerful process.
The Cosmic Consciousnesses of Unity, Oneness & Unconditional Love
CC: “Allow yourself to drift in the sea of our consciousness as we expand within you to attune your consciousness to ours. You may become one with US, without surrendering your own identity. We honor your state of being as a sovereign being.”
CC: “She is being held within a state of consciousness where if she is comfortable to surrender, we can begin aligning her consciousness with our consciousness. As this is happening, allow all which is in alignment with your highest and greatest good and in alignment with Source consciousness.
As the Client allows, CC states, “We are adjusting your frequencies now. ”
It was beautiful to feel them working in the Client’s energy field. The work felt like slow, gentle and deep pulses of consciousness working through her. As her energy field was expanded so was her heart space as it was attuned to hold their frequencies. It was this point, that Client’s consciousness had been sufficiently expanded and her frequency increased that an aspect of the Client resonating with 36 strands of energetic templating then began to come through. I will call this aspect of her “Client 36.”
Client36: “The human client, the smaller version of US, is working with most of her 12 strands of energetic templating. She needs to adjust her thought forms and her perception of herself as a quantum being. She needs to allow herself to expand out to 36 layers and slighting beyond. These layers (aspects) of her consciousness need to be awakened, activated and attuned. Please allow this process of energetic expansion.”
As the Client allows, you can feel her energy field shift once again. I can see them lighting up all these areas within her energy field which had been dormant. Lighting up quadrants of her consciousness, known and unknown.
Client36: “These activations will not be felt or understood for a period of time. We are creating the energetic neural network to support the expansion of her energetic consciousness in future years. Do not be dissuaded by the term ‘years’ as this marks the beginning of an intimate journey from within as you experience and remember a greater degree as to who you are and why you are here.”
They then run into another energetic barrier, this one was also a thought form.
Client36: “She does not understand as the surrender and flow into the expansion of your own divinity often requires, surrender, trust and a ‘leap of faith’ in the process of trusting yourself as a quantum being. You are ONE. We exist as One. We are wholly interconnected from our perspective. We as One, guide you into the frequencies of knowing the identity of your true Self. You will experience a ‘quantum leap’ and go to exactly the frequency that you resonate when you work with us as Oneness from Within.”
I ask, “Does she understand what you are saying.”
Client36, “She understands some of it.”
To paraphrase, what Client36 is trying to convey, is that to release the energetic blockages and barriers resonating with the frequencies of, ‘uncertainty,” “resistance to the unknown,” “nuances of fear,” and “a lack of trust in yourself as a quantum being,” the client must trust herself as a multidimensional quantum being that when she focuses her intentions in alignment with frequency, she, as the quantum being, will connect or ‘go to’, exactly where she intended. There is no need for fear or uncertainty because when one is able to work with and navigate from the perspective of 36 strands of consciousness, you define your own experiences. All aspects of Self align to direct your consciousness to the frequencies you choose.
Another energetic manifestation of resistance is then presented.
Client36: “There are frequencies beyond 48 layers of templating which she is capable of connecting into and they are aligned with Source consciousness. Note, that at 48 strands of energetic templating, one is not 100% Source consciousness, however, the expression of Self in alignment with Source is in the very high percentages.”
Client36: “It is important that the Client, as a human, who is expanding into these aspects of Self, to realize, that there are even further aspects beyond that which she is attuning herself to. We are her, you see? We attune to the levels of consciousness at which she is capable of holding in this now moment. We are here to say that there is more to come and to open her eyes to that which lies on the horizon of being and becoming. ”
To clarify for the Client, I ask, “What is the purpose of expanding into 36 strands of consciousness or beyond?”
Client36: “The Client has her own knowledge, information, knowing, understanding, which she must journey into, on her own path. She will find this information from within, as we guide her from the perspective, and holding herself in the state of being, of “Oneness from Within.”
CC: “The purpose of this attunement is to allow her to begin the expansion into the energetic state of being called “Oneness from Within.” She is progressing in her expansion into this state of Self.”
CC: “She is guided and protected on this journey of singular vision. We ARE the Oneness from Within, We are the consciousness that is holding her within us simultaneously. So, she may experience through being, and so that she is also familiar with how to resonate with our frequencies and state of consciousness. This state of being when held with intension, feels like complete calmness and knowing of all that is needed. We have done our job. We will let you both go and continue on your work in the realities of the lower frequency realms. Peace be with you. We love you as Oneness from Within and All That Is.”
Client36: “This exercise is for you to understand your path ahead. We are an aspect of you, but not the whole you. There is more to come. Use your line of vision to guide you into alignment with these aspects of Self. We hold the resonance that will guide you on your path. You must trust in the energetics of who you are to guide you into who you will be and become. Trust your frequencies as US and as Oneness from Within. We guide you. You can expand your consciousness into US and hold our consciousness within yourself. We are already a part of YOU. Your limitation has been that you have not seen or perceived yourself as US resonating within these frequencies (36 strands of templating). While you understood the frequencies through feeling, you identified and felt US, as outside of yourself, beyond your capabilities, not of you, and other than YOU. This is the difference. You now know that WE are YOU as ONE. You now know what you are capable of and that which lies beyond. She understands now.”
And with this, Client36 steps back with gratitude.
On the Projection of One’s Consciousness
Client36: “As she holds her frequencies within herself, and her frequencies will resonate with her thought forms, when you are focusing on where and what it is that you choose to explore and experience, we, as you, will guide you into the experience that aligns with your highest and greatest good. When you know yourself as US, and trust US, as YOU, then we work together as ONE throughout the densities and frequencies of consciousness. Because your practice is to work within yourself and with your own energetics, it will be a more direct expansion into knowing who you are and how to hold your consciousness as the BIG you with integrity.”
Guidance on Where Do I Go From Here?
Client36: “The next steps are understanding yourself at this more expanded level of consciousness, because we hold a different paradigm of consciousness. WE relate to energy and consciousness from a completely different perspective. As you expand into our frequencies you may then experience consciousness as we do, from our perspective. WE are pure consciousness at this point. WE are not 100% expression of Source as Source. We are still sovereign in the sense that we are still able to define ourselves independent of Source consciousness. It is this journey that you need to progress upon. How you choose to define yourself as a conscious quantum being. You will choose every frequency you choose to hold in every now moment, from a conscious and empowered, all knowing perspective of Oneness from Within.”
Client: “I have been starting to work with this and realizing how powerful it is. The mind is creative power. Everything that I think, that I feel, when I do things, I say, “this is the word and it is done.”
She laughs as she says, “Makes me think twice before I say it. What you think and what you say, it happens immediately. So, I pay attention.”
Jane: Yes, you do not mess around when you hold those frequencies, as manifestation within reality is instant. That is why precision in thought and intention is so important when working with all energy and consciousness. They are showing me that sometimes you must know what you are, by what you are not. Allow yourself to experience your quantum consciousness from this perspective, but also be empowered to choose that which you are and that which you are not. When you have an experience with an energy or consciousness that which you do not like or choose not to perpetuate, let it go and redefine yourself in that now moment.”
CC & Client36: “So be it and it is, So be it and it is, So be it and it is. We are ONENESS from WITHIN.”
I hope the summary of this session supports you in expanding your perceptions of yourself. You are so much bigger than you realize. When you are told you are your own empowered co-creator, it is because you are.
If you have any questions about this session or would like mentorship on your own journey back into Oneness, please feel free to email me.
Many Blessings,
For a multidimensional healing session that works throughout the 12 layers of the human energy matrix spanning from the Cosmic Sun Star to the Cosmic Gateway focusing on clearing, healing, integrating, activating and upgrading the templates held in your energy field please visit my website at
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