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Jane MacDougall
May 27, 202314 min read
Working with Source Dragon Consciousness to Heal Multidimensional Timelines & Work with Mother Earth
Join me for this multidimensional story time where Source Dragon consciousness steps forward for the clearing of wounded dragon timelines...

Jane MacDougall
May 14, 20236 min read
Becoming “Oneness from Within”
The journey of establishing Oneness from Within occurs in stages. It begins with connecting to the Higherself, learning to establish...

Jane MacDougall
Feb 8, 202311 min read
Attunement with Unity, Oneness and Unconditional Love for Expansion into 36 Strands of Consciousness
It is important to share the energetics of remembering that we are more than we realize. As an increasing number of individuals are...

Jane MacDougall
Nov 16, 202216 min read
The Lyran Founders, Timelines & the Awakening of Mother Earth the Goddess with the Aquamarine Ray
Join me for this journey through a MULTIDIMENSIONAL STORY TIME where we will explore the Quantum Shift in Frequencies Occurring since...

Jane MacDougall
Oct 26, 202210 min read
The Coming of the Magi and the Consciousness Shift
Many of us have memories of the Magi. Our mythologies, our fantasies, our archetypes, they are all steeped in history, latent coding for...

Jane MacDougall
Sep 17, 20229 min read
Understanding Recent Energetic Cycles and the Creation of Your Reality
As I have been working with my Founder and other soul aspects recently, they have been showing me the purpose of the recent energetic...

Jane MacDougall
Aug 19, 202224 min read
How Quantum Energy Healing Empowers You to Embody Your Higherself (9D) & IAM (12D) Consciousness
As each of us begins to “wake-up” to the fact that we as humans are multidimensional souls who have chosen to incarnate on Earth. As we...

Jane MacDougall
May 29, 202218 min read
Energetic Sovereignty & Co-Creative Manifestation of our Realities
Join Jade D’Cruz from @Londonthetahealer (IG) and myself as we discuss the topic of Energetic Sovereignty and our co-creative abilities...

Jane MacDougall
Apr 8, 202222 min read
Integrating Aspects of the IAM in a Quantum Energy Healing Session
Join me for this quantum energy healing session in which the Client is a fellow energy healer. It is common in my sessions with...

Jane MacDougall
Mar 11, 20222 min read
Channeling the Founders | Guidance on Mastering Your Frequency into 5D
Please join me for this impromptu channeling session where the Founders came through to guide us on how to become masters of our...

Jane MacDougall
Feb 25, 202220 min read
Pleiadian Lightworker ~ Learning to Master your Frequency, a Lifetime with Jesus & the 5D Shift
Join me for this Quantum Hypnosis session where my Client explores her Pleiadian soul connections, why she chose to incarnate on Earth...

Jane MacDougall
Feb 6, 20223 min read
Ascension Energies ~ Navigating Reversal Frequencies into Unity Consciousness & 5D Activations
Let’s go Quantum!!! It is time to shift our paradigms of perception as we expand our consciousness into 5D and higher activating...

Jane MacDougall
Jan 8, 20222 min read
Connecting to Your Higherself
Understanding the Human Energy Matrix 2 Part Video Series on the Role of the Higherself Join me for this 2 Part Quantum Consciousness...

Jane MacDougall
Oct 30, 20213 min read
Cosmic Gateway & Cosmic Sun Star Ascension Activations
Upgrading the Human Energy Matrix As a result of the higher frequency energies that are being anchored into Mother Earth’s grid at this...
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