As each of us begins to “wake-up” to the fact that we as humans are multidimensional souls who have chosen to incarnate on Earth. As we begin to realize that our true consciousness, as individuals, resides within much higher frequencies and is much more expansive than we ever realized. As we endeavor on the journey to embody our expanded levels consciousness in the higher frequencies, similarly, our energy fields become more activated within our higher frequency stages of identity. This journey accelerates when we choose to acknowledge and connect to our Higherselves (9D) and our IAM (12D) because we begin the activation process within the higher levels (7D - 12D) of our 12 strands of DNA. This is then followed by integration and potentially the full embodiment these aspects of Self. The further we expand our consciousness and raise our frequency, the more quickly we also begin to manifest each and every one of our thoughts and emotions. We become adept at co-creating our realities. We create the change from within.
To begin working with and mastering your human energy matrix, you must understand that you have higher and higher frequency stages of identity that you are capable of accessing simultaneously. You are effectively allowing yourself to embody these higher frequency aspects of Self by working simultaneously as the You in 3D, the You in 9D, and the You at 12D as ONE being, ONE consciousness.
In a recent multidimensional quantum energy healing session, the ability and the power of an individual who is consciously connecting with their Higherself/IAM and working with these aspects of Self within their own energy field comes to life.
Before a healing session I always take a look at the Client’s energy field to see how they are holding and expressing their energy in that moment. Remember, when you change the way you think or feel, your energy field will change as well. This change can potentially resonate throughout all 12 layers (aka, 12 strands of DNA) depending on how a particular energy signature has been embedded multidimensionally within the energy field.
For example, when working with spiritual beliefs and more expansive concepts of Self, the higher chakras are generally impacted. When we are dealing with the energetics associated with deep seated anxiety or depression there is typically an energetic pattern with an origin and templating in higher level chakras, expressed throughout various areas within the energy field, and anchored into both the Earth Star and the Cosmic Sun Star, as a reflection that they are being expressed in the current lifetime within a range of frequencies (as above, so below). Every human’s energy field is unique to that individual, however, the overall structure from a diagnostic perspective holds many similarities.
In this case, I had worked with this particular Client in a few prior sessions teaching her how to connect to her Higherself (9th layer of energy field) and IAM (12th layer of energy field). She had developed the ability to connect to and hold these frequencies with confidence and was able to engage in direct communication with her Higherself and IAM during mediation, receiving responses and guidance. She had also learned how to set energetic boundaries working to establish energetic sovereignty. She was also beginning to understand how to work within her own energy field as a co-creator. As a result, she had experience with expanding her consciousness into 9D and 12D and she was working with an energy field that was much more activated than the average person (understand, this level of consciousness can be accessed in a handful of sessions, the journey to full embodiment can last a lifetime). She also understood the power of her own thoughts, emotions and attitudes on her energy field. This is why and how we are co-creators.
It does not matter whether you create consciously or unconsciously. There are different levels of maturity in the manner in which humans hold and work with their energy field. The average human who does not realize they are an energetic being or the power of their thoughts is like a toddler with permanent markers in a white room. Throw in a box of Cheerios and you have a right mess.
Learning how to connect into your 9D and 12D frequencies is not difficult and can be done in a few minutes having never done it before. Every one of you can do this. Humans were designed to hold these levels of consciousness simultaneously. Learning how to hold and work with your own energy is also not difficult, however, it does take guidance and practice.
Understand, every human is capable of being a conscious co-creator and this is when our society will achieve 5D or the Shift. This process will take time and it must be created from within. Yes, the energetics are being set. Yes, Mother Earth’s grids at various higher densities are coming back to life. However, to access these frequencies, the individual human must do the internal work to attune themselves to these levels of consciousness within the Mother Earth Grids. So, yes, change is happening, but the true change will occur with us and with our children.
There are those who will lead this change. Anyone reading this article is likely a part of that group. We all have different roles and different purposes. Another issue is how many will wake-up? When I am shown the numbers, say 100,000 of a certain soul frequency and purpose incarnated. We achieve what is needed to make change (the Shift/5D) if only 10% “wake-up” and hold embody their Higherself/IAM stages of identity.
I have the honor of working with many higher frequency consciousnesses, but often they are in a human who has forgotten who they truly are. It is time to remember. It is time to wake-up. It is time to unite your higher frequency states of consciousness with your human egoic consciousness. They were always meant to function as ONE. That is how our 12D avatar matrix was designed. Allow yourself to learn about who you are.
In this particular session, when I reviewed my Client’s energy field, what I saw was a dark energetic overlay running through her energy field from her Cosmic Sun Star to her crown chakra. All of her chakras running from her Earth Star to her Cosmic Gateway also held forms of energetic congestion relating to various aspects of Separation from Self beliefs. The energy felt numb, cut off from everything, with a twinge of sorrow and deep sadness. When I asked her Higherself why she was manifesting her energy this way it explained the following:
HS/IAM: She is keeping herself separate from others. The energetic manifestation you see is an energetic manifestation that she identifies as an aspect of Self, but it is not. It is a distortion that she has created and which she gives life to daily within herself.
I understood from this information, and the diagnostic review of her energy field before our appointment, that this was why my Client and I had been brought together for this session, to support her in releasing and alchemizing energetic signatures which no longer served her and were holding her back with her own process of awakening and expansion.
[Note: the Cosmic Sun Star is positioned below the Earth Star with the purpose of balancing the activated higher frequency chakras as a function of grounding an individual’s energy field into Mother Earth’s grid systems at the relevant frequencies.]
Before any quantum energy healing session begins, I connect first to my own Higherself (9D) and IAM (12D) & Source consciousness. I also expand into my Founder aspects (the Founders are sometimes referenced as the “Architects”, they reside at levels of consciousness significantly above 12D). Once I have expanded into and I am holding these frequencies, I then ask the Higherself/IAM of the Client to come forward.
The Client’s Higherself/IAM immediately steps forward and begins to explain:
HS/IAM: What we would like to say is that when we are looking at your (Client’s) energy field, what you have managed to manifest is an energetic overlay which effectively creates an energetic barrier that keeps you separate from others and Self, experientially and energetically. There is an underlying energetic interface. Metaphorically, one might look at it as holding the sacred geometries and relevant frequencies which would attract such an experience. We would say that she is holding energetic coding which allows for her to attract and manifest this experience.
Jane: How has she manifested the phenomenon in her energy field where she is effectively shutting her chakras and energy system down (referencing , as well as running reversal frequencies (often manifested as a result of separation from Self, separation from higher frequency soul aspects, separation from Source and separation from others thought forms) her experience?
HS/IAM: We would like to suggest that Client, needs to reflect on her own perceptions of Self and the value of human beings within her own life currently.
At this point the HS becomes silent explaining that the Client has not demonstrated a readiness to consider these types of beliefs as a cause for the density, heaviness and separation she has been feeling and experiencing. Understand, the HS and IAM aspects of Self, will never violate freewill. This is why the saying, “ask and you shall receive” is so important and so powerful. She is asked to, “ask the question, she has not thought to ask.”
Jane: Can you help the Client understand why you have used the terms chosen to explain the density that currently exists within her energy field:
HS/IAM: We do our best to use human terminology. Let us begin with her human energetic structure of Self (12 layers). There are various energetic demarcations which continue to exist within her 12D matrix. First, we would like to focus on the Client’s energetic separation between her 12th layer and the layers of consciousness which reside above 12D where there is an aspect of herself that believes she is separate from, what we would call “All that IS” or what you may call “Source.” She perceives Source consciousness as “over there”, “above her” or a distant and removed concept. “Source is over there, and I am separate over here. I am separate from Source.” These attitudes of separation with energetic awareness, create an energetic signature. You see, as she expands her awareness of herself energetically and her energetic signature also expands, her energy field becomes more activated. She is then required to step into greater levels of responsibility when she is co-creating with her thoughts and emotions.
HS/IAM: By working on your (Client’s) energy field, by working with energy, consciousness, etc., By you (Client) choosing to maintain a belief that you are separate from Source consciousness, that you are separate from All that Is, you are then creating separation energetic signatures within your energy field which allow you to experience being separate from All that IS. The definition of All that IS begins to expand and expand and expand. In this process of expanding the energetic signature of your beliefs, this then includes yourself and others expressed with a level of exactitude throughout the frequencies consciously or unconsciously.
Jane: Is there anything else that the Client needs to know about this before we begin the energetic clearing?
HS/IAM: It is more that Client needs to understand the extent of her power within her own energy field as she begins to awaken. Her thoughts and her emotions need to be refined. Energy is very nuance and specific. She has choices. Hhowever, she must understand the consequences of those choices. You are all powerful, in effect, within your own energy field, within your own consciousness. When she chooses to release these attitudes, these perspectives, these beliefs, this energetic barrier which has been created and which exists within various layers of her energy field, may then also be released. With this change in perspective, she effectively ALLOWS herself to begin the releasing process. She must also understand the extent to which she has managed to manifest the density within herself. This density she has created, then dictates her experiences which she has found most unpleasant recently.
Client (giggles): This is true.
Jane (to Client HS): Okay, so where do you want to go now?
HS/IAM: Please explain to Client the energetic pattern of manifestation within her energy field.
HS/IAM: We will work with her energetically in a few minutes and we will work with her to aide her in navigating this density that we speak of.
HS/IAM: When you (Client) choose to connect into US, as You, as your HIgherself/IAM stages of identity, we validate that you are doing it very well. However, as you are growing and expanding, there is a new level of responsibility, in particular, being more conscious of the thoughts and emotions you choose to embrace and identify with. [Note: it is fine to have negative emotions, allow the flow. The density of negative emotions and thoughts only begins to embed in the energy field when the individual identifies or defines themselves with such lower frequency thoughts and emotions.]. There are a series of these thoughts and emotional patterns that the Client needs to begin becoming more aware of.
HS/IAM: She is the sole creator of the energy signature and she gives it life because she embraces the thoughts and emotions that create it almost daily. This energy signature is not of her Soul, it is not her natural frequency, however, it contains an aspect of very low densities that are now creating the heavy numb feeling that you are both aware of.
HS/IAM: Every time she enters into a thought pattern where an energetic signature enters into her field of reality experientially, when she experiences something outside of herself, every experience that she has…when she looks at it and says, “that is not for me to deal with,” “that is not of me,” “that is other”, there is an element where she needs to understand the patterning of the reflection, the imaging that she is receiving so that she may go within and understand why she has brought the experience to her.
HS/IAM: Using this technique will also aide her in releasing the dense energetics which she is holding in her throat and her third eye as well. We will work on these during the session.
HS/IAM: She needs to understand that her core soul frequencies that she is in the process of activating within her energy field are very strong. She is learning to allow a strong flow of her own divine consciousness from the higher frequencies. We will guide and work with her on her co-creative abilities going forward.
Client: I understand that I have a pattern of blocking certain things within my environment.
Jane: But also, in your energy field there is a pattern of blocking receiving energy because all of your front chakras are blocked too.
Client: Yes, like a protective shield (as Clients speaks her HS resonates with agreement).
Jane (to Client HS): When I look at her energy field, I see a series of soul fragments that need to be reintegrated? What can you tell us about that?
They show me a divine masculine aspect that is out of alignment with the fully integrated IAM patterning, which goes to the identity of Self from a 12D multidimensional perspective. In Client’s case, the Client does not truly understand her identity multidimensionally and is only just beginning to comprehend her own capabilities.
HS/IAM: It is more that we would like to draw attention that she has soul aspects, memories, remembrance that remain to be revealed. She needs to delve deeper in to her soul history, she needs to allow herself to understand who she is on a broader perspective. This excursion into the IAM aspects of her identity has been somewhat limited at this time. We would ask that she connect to our frequencies (her HS/IAM aspects) to begin giving her guidance preferably through forms of meditation. We can also use the concept similar to a past life regression that she self directs during mediation in connection to us. We can work with her on her “interfacing” (aka, channeling). We will work with her to hold our consciousness simultaneously with her own so that the information will flow in a more fluid manner.
There are memories we would like her to begin accessing, however, this requires a level of diligence on Client’s part.
Jane: Thank you, I also saw a number of implants in Client’s energy field. There are many less than previously. What can you tell us about her remaining implants?
HS/IAM: There are some that we are able to remove at this time.
Jane: Can you remove all of them?
HS/IAM: If she asks, we can remove all that she asks for.
Jane: Client, please shift your frequency and state of consciousness to connect to your HS/IAM and please ask, opening your heart space for the full removal of all implants, to the greatest extent possible in this now moment.
Jane (to Client HS): What about the implants that remain?
HS: There are certain energetic signatures which remain and which we will refer to as “energetic implants.” They will be required to remain until she expands her consciousness and her realm of self-awareness within her own energy field before we are able to begin the dismantling process. Their existence is organic by design. From our perspective, these “implants” can be looked upon as “exercises” to allow one to step into a greater degree of self-awareness. These implants sometimes trigger memories, energetic blockages, attractions of energies and experiences, entities even. These are all by design in the grand scheme of things. For the individual who sees themselves as a victim it can be unsettling, but nonetheless, it is an experience an individual will have on their journey of awakening and energetic expansion into the identity of the IAM. We are always ONE.
At this point the Client’s HS makes it clear that we are ready to proceed with the energy healing. It also states that we will be done early.
I reconnect and bring myself into alignment with my HS/IAM/Andromeda Galaxy/Founder (Architects) /Unity/Oneness/Unconditional Love/Source frequencies to guide and oversee the session. I then bring forward Client’s HS/IAM consciousness which were VERY present!
Jane HS/IAM: “We are bringing forward the Founders to support the energetic work we will be doing today.” As I am being told this I can feel my energy field shifting as my energy field is calibrated for the work that will be taking place. “We request that to do this work we raise the frequency into the bandwidth of Unity, ONENESS & Unconditional Love, which reside at 42 to 92 layers or strands of consciousness.”
They acknowledge that I can do this very naturally with my own energy and to bring the Client with me I have her imagine a sacred space of light held at these frequencies where I ask her to join us. Energetically, I am guided to create this sphere of light within the physical realm so that the Client can connect to the concept of its creation. When she does this in her mind, it is validated that her 12D energy field has entered the frequencies we are required to work at.
Before the Client enters the sacred space, it is requested that we set the intentions for the energy healing noting that we will be working with and within frequencies that also reside above the 12D layers and to some extent into the dark matter energetics to fully access the necessary energy signatures.
As soon as the Client joins us within the higher frequency states of being, the healing begins.
The energies flow in quickly and we are working so quickly it is difficult to keep up with all the work they are doing. I am taken throughout the energy field severing energetic cords and releasing dense energetic signatures.
I soon begin speaking a light language that is not mine, but is clarified to be that of a multidimensional soul aspect of my Client. There is a tremendous amount of clearing that is taking place and my body feels the heaviness and discomfort as it passes through my own energy field. They state that the Client will get to know this particular multidimensional aspect as their journey back into Oneness progresses.
A dark space is then shown to me. The soul aspect is aiding us in clearing this particular aspect of the density because the origin is from her reality. She presents as a being of light where there is only a subtle form held within the sphere of golden/white light.
It is explained that the multidimensional soul aspect, the energy being that came in to support the Client in her energetic journey, understood the origin of the density the Client was carrying. She stepped forward to aide in the energetic severance of this energy from within the Client’s energy field. She did not do it specifically within the Client’s 12D energy matrix, rather, she severed the energetic signature from her end.
The energic being resides at frequencies above the 12D matrix and does not have physicality. The light language used is very ancient. It is from a people that reside in another galaxy beyond the realms of our own knowing. They have only limited ties to your current Galaxy, the Milky Way.
She is capable of projecting as an individual, but resides more at the level of what you would relate to as a collective consciousness. The Client, when she is ready may connect into the light language which will bring her back to her people. We recognize she has incarnated as many different species, however, these people, as a collective consciousness are a significant aspect of the Client’s human identity.
Jane: Why is it important for Client to reconnect with this being or “know” this collective consciousness?
HS/IAM: They will remind her of who she is and why she incarnated on the planet. This consciousness collective has incarnated through Client intentionally and serve a specific purpose. The purpose will be revealed to Client when she begins to ask the questions, when she demonstrates a curiosity to understand. When Client asks the question, we may then begin to bring about the synchronicities, if not direct communication, to answer her questions. Client needs to being peeling back the layers of own onion to understand who she truly is and why she is. She is not just the human physicality and identity that she perceives as quite limited (Client begins giggling).
HS/IAM: In the beginning the information received will lack clarity because the energetic interconnections have not yet been sufficiently established at the necessary frequencies. The Client also requires to learn the process and to trust and surrender to a greater degree, followed by the relevant upgrades to her energy field. The upgrades will establish a greater degree of interconnectedness throughout the frequencies and therefore, expanding her consciousness and the frequency she may then choose to hold her consciousness at.
HS/IAM: We ask that the Client continue the work that she has been so diligently engaging in, but to me more curious as to her own true Soul lineages. There is more than one. We ask that she connect to this one first. Therefore, we ask that when you relisten to the recording you go back into the energetic signatures of the light language to know our resonance. To know our frequencies. When she calls upon us, we can interconnect with Client’s energy field. We will meet her half way such that when she metaphorically reaches out her hand we will reach out as well to connect on a more conscious level. We have been waiting for this opportunity.
HS/IAM: When you enter meditation, raise your frequency and direct your consciousness to ours, we will show you pictures, you will feel our frequencies, we will give you emotions, there will be a KNOWING. This is how we will begin to communicate with you. Understand that we must navigate your mind, your mental networking, your information database or realm of knowledge that is consciously accessible. The exactness of the information we try to provide you with will not always be “true to form.” We work with your state of mind, level of understanding. We will often work through relatable metaphor. Please allow room for interpretation. As you become more refined in your interconnection with our frequencies, there will be a greater degree of clarity. We Love you. We have always been with you. We are a part of you. We look forward to working with you again.
Jane: Will this be achieved in Client’s current life?
HS/IAM: It can be if Client so chooses. Your state of consciousness and how you choose to manifest your energy is always your choice. The more sophisticated and adept Client becomes, the more the Client will be able to step into this aspect of Self.
HS/IAM: We will now proceed with the energetic clearing.
As this information comes in, the energy shifts again. The energies are reconfigured as the Galactic Collective Consciousness steps back and my Founder aspect steps forward to support the multidimensional healing of the energy field. I often see this as re-establishing coherence within the energy field which allows the original templating or blueprint to be expressed. This is an iterative process, as rebuilding coherence and embodiment with the full potential of original blueprint is synonymous with embodiment of the IAM in alignment with the love & light of Source.
HS/IAM: To work with the required bandwidth of frequencies we ask that Client expand her realm of perception to this Universe through her heart space. There will be a few energy signatures that are not of this “Universe”, however, it is sufficient that she expand her perception of Self to that which exists within this “Universe.” While we will work to alchemize your energy field back into a greater degree of coherence, you must also work with diligence not to recreate the dense energetic signatures from within.
HS/IAM: As you expand your consciousness and become more aware, you become more powerful from a human perspective in the sense that you begin to manifest more instantaneously. For this reason, we request that you take responsibility for every thought and emotion. You will grow into this knowing and understanding as we will guide you. We require you to interface (mediate/channel/energetic integration) with our consciousness to guide you as to how you are manifesting your energetics which are out of alignment and which need to be resolved.
HS/IAM: The remaining miasma signatures that you are seeing, they do exist, however, they will be revealed when she begins to look within to understand the wounds and their origins from within. Again, these miasma signatures manifest as beliefs which are not in alignment with her fully embodied IAM identity. We will bring these to her attention when she is ready.
HS/IAM: On the Soul Fragments that you see which require reintegration, there is little bit that we can do at this time, but to a large extent we connected her into a soul aspect earlier, she can work with them at this time for the purpose and the process of reintegration of a greater degree of her soul identity.
HS/IAM: Similarly, with the portal and implants that remain, she has further growth ahead of her. These energetic distortions will be brought back into coherence and alignment with her IAM when she is ready.
HS/IAM: We are ready to begin.
The instant we began with this aspect of the healing, multidimensional cords were severed and a deeply embedded very low density energy was released. As I felt it pass through my energy field I was made aware that this energy was the dark numbness she had been carrying. It was a feeling of being cut off from everything through time and eternity. It was fear, a fear of the unknown, a fear of no control, a fear of not knowing, a fear of impending harm that may or may not come if she stepped forward…..when the Client felt these emotions, she attracted this frequency, this level of consciousness and allowed it to embed in her energy field.
This energy which had manifested was created in part by her own Soul as a result of a multidimensional experience. However, an aspect of this energy signature was also what I call an “attachment” energy. Her soul was wounded, hadn’t cleared or healed the low frequency energy signature during the relevant lifetime, and as it festered within her own human energy field was attracting further dense energy of a similar frequency. As a result, the feeling of “fear” was now being amplified beyond the level of the original wound.
As the denser energies were being released throughout her energy field, soul aspects at different frequencies were stepping forward. At a particular point, a specific soul aspect stepped forward, and as we navigated, they said, note the frequency and the layer that the soul aspect stepped forward (divine feminine, left shoulder, about the 6th/7th layer). They only showed themselves at that moment as they were relevant to the energetic signature that was being cleared and recalibrated. For a good five minutes there was continual cutting of multidimensional energetic cords between the 3rd to 9th layer of Client’s energy field followed by healing, bringing the energy field back into coherence, closing multidimensional portals, and occasionally a different soul aspect would join with light language as part of the healing. Working multidimensionally, we were working with pure light, light language and with recalibrations of what we as humans call sacred geometries. Particular sound frequencies are then used to support coherence and alignment back into oneness of the energy field in the area we are working on.
I was then taken to the Soul Star. A complete clearing and recalibration was required, however, before that could occur, the release of an absolutely toxic density need to be released. After the main density was addressed, they opened up the Soul Star and started reading through all the multidimensional lifetimes scanning the Soul Star for any residues the particular frequencies associated with density they were clearing because she no longer needed them.
A predominance of the work was occurring at the 6th and 7th layers of her energy field and they were working [please note that each layer of the human energy field holds different types of information and experiences multidimensionally, this explanation is an over simplification]. In general terms, they were reintegrating soul aspects that had lost themselves on their own multidimensional journeys. It was a very deep healing going to the root of Separation from Self beliefs and experiences which had forged and manifested within many of her human lives.
As the healing and clearing proceeded, it became apparent that aspects of the density could not be released from the Soul Star. I asked our Higherselves/IAMs for guidance.
HS/IAM: “She needs to let go of the belief that she is not able to connect into her own memories or her own experiences. This is limiting our ability to access and bring forward the information that will support her in her own growth. This belief that she holds as “truth” is blocking her access to her own soul memories.”
As the Client began to realize the impact of her current beliefs on the density she was creating and holding onto within her energy field, she let it go. As soon as the Client changed her state of mind, as soon as she resolved to no longer hold or identify with those belief, her energy field cleared. It was at a quite high level, so I asked for validation as to the layers within her energy field this particular density was being held…
HS/IAM: This density was held within her 9th and 10th layers.
Once completed, we then began completely recalibrating her Soul Star frequencies.
HS/IAM: Yes, we are recalibrating her Soul Star. This will also allow the Client to access more of her Soul memories and it will make it easier for us to guide her. You may consider the work we are doing to be described as an upgrade. She will begin to notice the difference in a couple of days.
As the healing continued, we were then brought to the Causal Gateway where a density which would not release was brought to my attention.
HS/IAM: There has been multidimensional interference. First, she needs to understand that her energy system has been compromised multiple times throughout her consciousness history as a multidimensional being. That is fine, as it occurs frequently when one is learning to hold their energy and consciousness with integrity within the lower frequencies. What Client must understand is that she is the one who is responsible for controlling this access point into her energetic system. We can teach her how to take responsibility for allowing access to other energies going forward. Today, what we ask is that she allow us to release what you might call “energetic implants”. We are asking to release energetic signatures which allow access and interference. These energies do not act in alignment with her highest and greatest good. We ask that we may release the energetics which allow these influences.
Jane: Client do you agree to allow the release and clearing of these energetic signatures?
Client: Client does not speak, but allows the clearing within her mind. She is communicating directly with her HS/IAM. The instant she allows through thought, I can feel that she has allowed and I am told by the HS/IAMs that she has allowed. Client then states, ”Yes, I have allowed.” Understand, our energy fields respond instantaneously to our thought forms.
The energy that was cleared was again quite toxic. It took them a few minutes as they were also required to “reconstruct” the causal gateway energetics. I ask if there are any intentions in particular that the Client should set to allow the greatest extent of clearing in this now moment.
HS/IAM: We request that Client ask that her energetic connections to her Higherself, IAM, and the “Galactic Collective Consciousness” that stepped forward earlier…. We ask that she request that those energetic pathways be (they show me the energetic connections being blessed and held within a silvery gold light) interconnected in an energetically sacred manner. Let her heart open to the purity of the frequencies. We will build those energetic pathways at the necessary frequency, this will also help with clarity of connection and understanding. It will also be more difficult to interfere with. We will build a sacred connection with her own consciousness through the causal gateway at this time. We only require a few minutes for this.
The energies were absolutely lovely….so high frequency….it felt absolutely beautiful to be a part of this experience. As the work was being performed, her entire energy field was being recalibrated. The client will sometimes experience this as if they can feel nothing. In this case, the Client felt that she was everywhere and nowhere for a period of time. A perfect metaphor is that they take the energy field “offline”, do significant and highly intricate work on the energy field and then bring her back “online.” It’s an odd experience, but there is never anything to worry about. It then takes a few days for the human to begin to become aware of their NEW state of being or state of conscoiusness. They are often much more aware energetically. Keep your heart open and allow the work to take place.
They used sound to then embed the pure light frequencies into the lower levels of the energy field. To create what I would call an interface…or which allows a coherence between higher light frequencies and lower frequency energetics
When this work was completed, they then expanded the range and frequency of the Causal Gateway.
HS/IAM: This is a metaphor that Client can relate to as her Causal Gateway being upgraded such that she will be able to access to a new level of consciousness. Her egoic mind will need to adjust, but we want her to understand that she has been supported now to begin embodying and working within a higher range of frequencies as well as expanding into higher aspects of Self or higher frequency stages of identity. A minute or so passes, “We have now completed the work we came to do today.”
Jane: Really? There is nothing left that you want to do?
HS/IAM: Not today. Thank you for your work. At this time Client has all that she needs to move forward from within the expansiveness of her Heart. She is able to see a new path and a new perspective which will open up new opportunities for her. Client, we love you. We are always here. We understand, that we have made this session less time than you anticipated, however, we will be back shortly (understand this is a relative term from a state of consciousness that does not recognize time).
At this point we give our gratitude, love and thanks for all of the work and guidance that was provided during the quantum energy healing session. We then separate our energy fields and sever any and all energetic interconnections that occurred between us during our healing session.
In an email from the Client three days later.
Client: Thank you again for an amazing session. I feel so blessed to have found you, and feel it is life changing for me. I have booked the next session. Deep gratitude and love, Client.
I hope this article will help anyone who resonates to be empowered to grow and expand within themselves. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and contact me.
Many Blessings,
For a multidimensional healing session that works throughout the 12 layers of the human energy matrix spanning from the Cosmic Sun Star to the Cosmic Gateway focusing on clearing, healing, integrating, activating and upgrading the templates held in your energy field please visit my website at
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