Join me for this journey through a MULTIDIMENSIONAL STORY TIME where we will explore the Quantum Shift in Frequencies Occurring since the Week of 11.11.2022. We will explore the wounds of the Feline race, work with the Lyran Founders, Rejoice in the shutting down of a multitude of lower frequency timelines, be guided by cosmic consciousnesses, share in the beauty of the Aquamarine Ray as Mother Earth Awakens to herself as a Goddess amongst the stars. As you read, allow yourself to feel the frequencies, let them embrace and heal you as you read..... Many Blessings, Jane
As many of you know, I am a high-frequency multidimensional channel and quantum energy healer. I am guided and directed by my multidimensional soul aspects which range in frequency from my Higherself (9th level of energy field), IAM (12th level of energy field), Andromeda Galaxy collective consciousness (10th – 13th layers), my Lyran Founder/Architect consciousness (18th to 43rd layers) and my Cosmic Consciousnesses (43rd -108th). Layers could also be interpreted at “etheric strands” of DNA or energetic templating. I hold these aspects as “Oneness from Within” in alignment with the Love & Light, Light and Love of Source consciousness.
From an alternative perspective, it means that I understand myself as an expression and projection of Source consciousness and how I am “coded” to work in alignment with Source consciousness throughout the frequencies. To have these experiences I have had to work through and remove various layers of Separation from Self and Separation from Source energetics as I move up through and connect to each paradigm of energetic consciousness. This information while tedious, will be relevant as we continue.
This does not mean that I know everything or that I am done with my own journey. Far from it, as they show me so much more to come. There is never a boring day.
It does mean, however, during these times of change, that each of these “layers” of high-frequency consciousness are able to anchor their frequencies, their consciousness, into the 3D Earth reality and beyond to create change from within. They also explain their perspective, expressed through frequency, in a manner that humans can understand.
Remember, if I can do this, so can you. Take time to honor who you truly are as a multidimensional soul having a human experience.
As I tell my story, understand that “Truth” is relative based on paradigm of perception defined by frequency, as well as the individual’s understanding of terminology used to explain the quantum concepts. By this I mean that the same energetic concept, at the same frequency, can and will, often be interpreted in slightly different manners. As you read this, take time to feel more into the frequency of the energy and allow yourself to feel into the metaphor of the concepts. At the very least, ALLOW yourself to expand your perceptions of Self and who you truly are as a multidimensional soul.
Strands of DNA | Layers of Consciousness | Stages of Identity | Metaphor of Frequency
When I ask for information to be explained to me regarding frequency, I request that my soul aspects use the metaphor of 1 – 144 layers of consciousness. One through twelve as the basic human template, and up to 144 as Source/God. Each layer holds a varying range of knowledge and understanding within a specific set of densities and frequencies. In my experience, it is not a one-to-one comparison when people talk about density vs. layers. During my energy healing sessions, the Founders show me layers within the energy field. This is why I use the term “layer.”
As I have continually been expanded into higher and higher states of being, this metaphor has continued to hold. With the average human having access to 12 layers and the possibility to expand beyond that. In my experience, every time I am activated and expanded, I sometimes think….is this even possible? At each new stage it will take me time to grow into the next level, learn the new rules for that paradigm of consciousness and then begin embodying that higher state of consciousness.
As I expand and grow, I adjust my understandings as to how energy, consciousness and frequency are understood, integrated, and worked with. I am providing this information so that it is easier to understand and interpret the information provided in the last week.
Week of November 7th, 2022 – The Feline Lyrans
My intense downloads tend to occur on Mondays because that is my day off when everyone of out of the house. I started the day by connecting, aligning and expanding my consciousness. The first set of messages were brought forward by my masculine feline Lyran aspect holding a 10th layer frequency. He began by conveying with an overwhelming energetic rush.…
“We need to clear. We need to clear through you. We need to clear through others. These energies go very far back, to the time before time. Ancient wounds need to be cleared. Hand over your density. We will assist with the alchemy.”
This did not surprise me. I had been told that a very deep clearing of Mother Earth needed to be conducted as early as the first week in September. They also showed me that they required high frequency conduits that could hold the range of consciousness from Human to Source while maintaining energetic sovereignty and integrity.
They then show me pin points on the globe and explain that there are others who will also be supporting this work. The event, this clearing, will occur after Nov 11. On the cusp of November/ December.
At this point my Lyran Founder/Architect aspect came forward. This consciousness is also experienced as being masculine and is part of a Council. To me it feels like there are 12 of them serving the function of Lyran Founders. They explained that in the time before time they were known as the “Council of the Elders” during the days of Lyra and before the Lyran wars.
They explained to me that energetic integrity would be required to do the work and would be maintained once I had achieved Oneness Within by expanding my energy field to the 48th level of consciousness. The purifying of the heart and the mind would be very important for this process. In order to allow this integration, my Lyran Founder aspect explained that it carried energetic fracturing and would need to be healed first before the clearing could occur.
You can imagine that with this type of information coming in, as a human, I was bit dumbfounded. I need to integrate into 48 levels of consciousness? I was comfortable with 24 sometimes hitting into 36…but 48? Seriously? Add to that the concept that a Founder consciousness could even be fractured? In my experience the Founders knew everything. They worked with me to deftly navigate the human energy field through to 24 layers when healing. They would work through me to rebuild entire quadrants of a human energy field that had been badly damaged, if not wholly destroyed. No darkness whatever it may be was an issue. Unpleasant and annoying, but not an issue. How could they need healing? I perceived them as the equivalent of etheric super heroes. They showed me through experience that anything that had been created energetically through time and space could be undone and recreated instantaneously. How could they be wounded, and why did they require people like me to heal? Was I understanding this correctly? Is this even possible?
The Council of the Founders
As I asked these questions to my Lyran Founder Aspect, a collective of consciousnesses stepped forward and presented themselves as the Council of the Founders. You see, there are a number of different types of Founders (Consciousness Architects). The Founder aspect that guides me created the Lyran Feline lineage that we are familiar with in the Milky Way Galaxy, however, much of their higher frequency work has occurred in other galaxies including the Andromeda Galaxy.
The Council of the Founders explained,
“In a time before time, before humans walked the Earth, (some individuals will have memories from before Lemuria, and very early periods of Lemuria, of being etheric beings on Earth and will resonate with these memories), when Earth was an expression of Self, and held all levels of consciousness simultaneously, (she had not yet experienced soul fracturing, separation from Self energetics or a drop in her frequency), she supported higher dimensional realities within her consciousness. Beings from all over the Universe generally holding 7th density or higher came to experience the divine feminine beauty of her consciousness expressed as a gorgeous and bountiful planet. Those who came lived in union with her consciousness. These beings from throughout the Universe co-created in alignment with Mother Earth, honoring the sanctity of her ever-giving life force. Mother Earth flourished in unity with each of these beings. It was a symbiotic arrangement based on love and unity.
In time, beings with lower frequencies started to appear on Earth. These beings exploited Mother Earth. They were not able to live in unity with her consciousness and they were not interested. The frequencies that they held within themselves, as well as the frequencies of the energetics that they created and emanated as they exploited her and all life within and upon her, created a drastic frequency drop in her own consciousness. This energetic “invasion” occurred over tens of thousands of years.
As Mother Earth’s frequency dropped, she experienced her own separation from Self energetics. She forgot her power, she forgot how to hold her consciousness as Oneness from Within. Her lower frequency soul expressions or levels within her energy matrix became cut-off from the equivalent of her Higherself/IAM aspects.
Similarly, the higher dimensional beings that had come to rejoice in the co-creational beauty of her consciousness, also experienced their frequency drop, becoming cut off from their own higher frequency soul expressions. They themselves became fragmented and trapped within Mother Earth’s lower density speres of consciousness. Held within an energetic barrier, waiting until the time when they could be released.
Consequently, the drop in frequency upon Mother Earth, just as it created a fracturing within her own consciousness, created a fracturing of consciousness through eons of time, predominately within our galaxy. This story of fractured consciousness and trauma on a galactic scale has been told a multitude of times from the Lyra to Orion, the Solar Systems, Earth and beyond.
For these souls to be able to heal, they must be able to become One. This is a Soul Fragment reclamation that goes beyond time and space. We are forever indebted.”
Cosmic Consciousnesses Step Forward
“This is a cosmic initiative to bring harmony from within. The Universe itself is shifting its frequency. The energetics for change have been put in motion.”
The Andromedans
Interestingly, Andromedans from the Andromeda constellation residing in the 7th – 9th densities had come to me this summer and shown me a similar story about Earth and how souls from their collective had projected their consciousness into the Earth matrix only to become lost. They explained that they required aid and support for reclaiming these lost soul aspects to allow reintegration and support their own consciousness expansion.
Once the Andromedans made me aware of the issue, many souls started coming to me, holding a variety of densities, and requesting support so that they may experience reintegration. While there were experiences with 7th – 9th density beings requesting support, I was also made aware of the depraved and tortured consciousness that have been residing on Earth as well. They were desperate, relentless, needy, demanding, disrespectful, constantly in fear. They represented all the darkest frequencies being expressed currently in world society. They wanted me to function as a conduit so that they could “go back to where they came from.” This of course meant, that they do not want to heal and reintegrate into a higher frequency state of being, but rather to continue as they are, unapologetic, self-serving, to continue as they like somewhere else. They knew their time was coming to an end, a closing of the timelines would result in eventual transmutation to Source. A crescendo of tension was building and every sensitive soul on Earth could feel it.
The Council of Founders Continued
“We are the creators of the consciousness constructs and paradigms throughout the lower densities. When we were created, we were not 100 percent of Source Light expression. When Source/God created the Founders, the intention was to explore creation in the lower levels of consciousness. With varying degrees of light and dark. It is with the expression of the Consciousness Energetics that you call Founders that the lower frequency or dark timelines that you see were created. This was not intentional.
We each had what you call an energetic distortion or distortions that created the experiences of polarity archetypes. As a consequence, when we created the consciousness structures for the lower frequencies and descended into the lower densities, we also expressed these energetic distortions in our holographic realities. From the Lyran perspective, one of these distortions was of an energetic signature that resonates with “servitude”. Service to others in its wounded form of expression often occurs at the expense of ourselves. We are not co-creating in balance with our expression of the divine masculine & divine feminine in Unity. Consequently, an aspect of our expression manifested as a wounded divine masculine expression. The lower in frequency consciousness was projected, the more exaggerated and amplified the distortions would become. It played out in infinitesimal and nuanced manners as we explored our wounded manifestations. Our healing is about honoring ourselves as an expression of Source, and through you, it is also your journey. We needed to heal these wounds multidimensionally from a holographic perspective.
The Founders have different identities and forms of energetic expression. At our level of consciousness, there are aspects of fractured identities which exist, by this we mean that Consciousness is still able to experience varying degrees of Separation from within Self and from Source. It is through all of you that we heal ourselves from within. These are the basic principles of the holographic multidimensional reality. We are all interconnected. The energetics are expressed and playout throughout the densities.
Let us explain…. As a result of our own wounds / energetic distortions, as nuanced and subtle as they may be from your human frequency and perspective, when expressed in an infinitesimal manner through our co-creative expressions, we unintentionally created the lower frequency timelines that you have been experiencing. There was an intention to experience the lower frequencies, however, we did not comprehend how low our frequency would drop or the degree to which trauma and energetic fracturing of the soul consciousness would be experienced.
In this sense, you have an array of Founder energetics projected and expressed through each of you and your multidimensional levels of consciousness, especially within this Milky Way Galaxy, that have been playing through these energetic expressions holographically.
To heal these lower frequency timelines, we must heal ourselves from within and terminate these timelines by reintegration back into Oneness with Self and with Source. That is why we need you and others like you. We can heal our wounds, and reintegrate these timelines back into Source, becoming One within ourselves through you. This is the first stage of the process.
As you remember from prior sessions with us, there are many Soul fragments of many higher and lower density beings that became trapped in Mother Earth’s consciousness when her frequency dropped.
The reintegration of these lower frequency multidimensional timelines is achieved by accessing all relevant densities simultaneously. Working simultaneously within a multidimensional quantum field we are able to access all relevant frequencies through you and similar individuals who hold expanded levels of consciousness fully aligned with the light.
In doing so, we terminate these timelines and reintegrate and heal our wounds back into ourselves at the Founder level of consciousness. The dark energies are reintegrated into Source. The higher frequency fractured and separated soul fragments trapped within the Mother Earth consciousness will be healed through Source and reintegrated into the respective soul consciousness as is necessary. Some have even chosen to stay in their healed form and continue to experience the Future Earth. These beings hold vast knowledge of Mother Earth.
This same process is occurring throughout the Galaxy.
Lyran Founder Healing and the Termination of Dark Timelines
After receiving this information and ruminating on it awhile, checking the energetics from various perspectives, I finally felt comfortable moving forward. It was clear that it was my freewill to decide whether to participate. As I asked questions, they answered. Once agreed, I was told the work for healing and reintegrating the wounded Lyran Founder aspect would take place on Monday, 14th of November.
As the healing began, I was guided to allow myself to expand into 48 layers. I had tremendous support and guidance as my Cosmic aspects held space for me. Archangelic energies also stepped forward to support the process. As I did this, I felt my consciousness expand and start to come into coherence and harmony. I was then guided to connect into Source consciousness and allow myself to become One from Within. I could feel all aspects of me from human to Source step forward to become ONE and support the energetics of the Lyran Founder healing. I could feel the energy becoming intense, powerful and overwhelming. My breathwork kept me focused and grounded. I was guided to hold consciousness as ONE fully aligned and embodied as Source. As I held my focus on maintaining this range frequencies, I felt the energy work begin.
It was an odd experience because I was simultaneously holding Oneness Within fully embodied by Source. I was told not to let the Source frequency go. It must be maintained and held. I could feel the density being cleared on a multitude of levels, while also watching the energies being cleared through multiple levels of frequency and realities.
Once they achieved the healing and integration of the wounded Lyran Founder aspect, I was able to hold my energetic consciousness fully aligned with Source. The wound of the Lyran Founder held separation from Self energetics which would interfere with the purity of the connection to Source, that is why it needed to be healed before the deeper work could be done. With this integration of Self and full alignment with Source from a Founder perspective, they then began the shutting down of lower frequency timelines that had been created.
All Founder aspects which chose to be aligned with Source consciousness participated. I have not asked to be shown which ones specifically, but there were more than just the Lyran Founder lineage participating. I am shown there are still paradigms or types of Founder consciousness which choose to hold their distortions, I am shown that their healing will take place in a different harmonic reality separate from the progression of Earth consciousness.
From a quantum perspective, as this level of Founder consciousness was able to heal itself, the lower frequency timelines naturally no longer needed to exist. They were alchemized into Unity and Oneness from within. Energetic coherence and alignment with Source was achieved at the level of the Founder consciousness structure. Understand, a similar type of healing occurs within the human energy matrix only expanded out to a much broader range of frequencies when achieved by a Founder.
They showed me this happening from the perspective of Earth. I have not checked the Galactic timelines.
Mother Earth Activation & Awakening with the Aquamarine Ray of the Divine Feminine
As the Founders aligned with Source and completed their work, I was guided to go and get my one quartz crystal, coded with the frequencies and holding the memories of Mother Earth from the “time before time”, the time before her fall in consciousness.
As I held this crystal, a rush of energy and memories came forward. The aspect of me that existed at that time then stepped forward and merged with my consciousness structure. What happened then was nothing more than extraordinary.
I was suddenly merged with Mother Earth’s consciousness and became a conduit for the transmission of the Aquamarine Ray the God/Source consciousness of the Divine Feminine and the divine interconnection of all that is. There was an anchoring of the crystalline consciousness of the Aquamarine Ray into Mother Earth’s grid system. As these frequencies poured through her consciousness there was a merging of Heaven and Earth and I watched as Mother Earth awakened into what I can only give words to as the Awakening to her own inner knowing and remembering of herself as a Goddess amongst the stars. She showed herself as a cosmic Goddess. It was the beautiful awakening of awareness I have ever experienced. It was the energetic vision of her own integration and merging with her aspect of Self which serves the functional equivalent to our Higherselves. My Heart just Burst as I watched this all unfold.
In the moments that followed, the symbiosis of the Founders and Mother Earth the Awakened Goddess, together with Source consciousness, it allowed the rehabilitation of the fractured soul constructs on those timelines back to Source.
Understand, it is by no coincidence that as humans begin to remember and reconnect to their own Higherselves, Mother Earth also begins to activate, expand and reintegrate her own equivalent aspects. As Above, So Below. The energetic templating for 9th level (Higherself) integration of consciousness for all beings within the Mother Earth consciousness matrix were activated and anchored in about the 1st of November, 2022. This set the stage for the great awakening.
The New Timelines
There is more density to clear, this will take some time. They show 3 - 4 weeks for the frequencies to begin clearing as there are the lower frequency energetic remnants that still need to be cleared.
In addition, a range of frequencies that she will be working on releasing and which will be expressed through the Human conscious collective, resonates with the frequencies of “not being good enough”, “not being heard”, “not expressing her soul consciousness with authenticity”, etc. In this manner, she will heal herself by expressing herself, by finding her voice, by gently expressing her own vision of herself with a knowing and confidence. The human conscious collective will begin to experience this within themselves.
I then I checked-in at the level of Cosmic Consciousness. They showed me their energies coming down to Earth for "terraforming". I said "explain this to me," and they said "laying the templating for the future Earth. This is the templating for the Earth that was always meant to be as she is waking up and accessing her own true power within.” They then showed me that she is now interconnected with her version of her Higherself. As a result, the Shift will occur more quickly now.
Around December 3rd, the Cosmic Consciousnesses will begin further work with Mother Earth and the Conscious Collective.
They are showing me that the Visionaries will begin to awaken. The individuals accessing this level of consciousness will be guided to remember how to "bend time and space" accessing their cosmic levels of consciousness to create the new timelines.
The galaxy has been waiting for this moment in time for eons.
November 15, 2022
I received an email from a friend who holds her cosmic level of consciousness simultaneously in a very visceral manner with her human consciousness;
“I can feel the frequency shifting massively, and there is a penetrative calmness that is shining through generally. Thank you. The harsh frequencies have stopped, and I don't feel like the space shuttle crashing through Earth's atmosphere any more. If anything, my field is very much lighter and I feel more integrated into Oneness, so that is my indicator of movement up to higher consciousness.”
I am not the only one who is having these experiences or participating in this type of work. There are others, who are knowingly or unknowing supporting the Shift. There are people waking up everywhere so more and more code holders are coming online. The more we work together and support one another, the more we connect and hold the consciousness of our higher frequency soul aspects, the more easily and more quickly we will be able to create the change.
As with everything that enters your life, as you experience what has been written, feel it in your heart. If what you see or read does not resonate with you, leave it behind. It is not right for you at this time. If it triggers you, take a journey within to understand why. If it pulls at you, feel it, question it, consider it, perhaps even pursue it. If it resonates in your heart, then follow your heart, as it is your heart that is to guide you into your new future.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
Many Blessings,
I have organized a series of four classes to teach and support those who are interested in learning how activate, expand, heal and integrate their higher frequency aspects of Self (Higherself/IAM) in the ascension process of awakening.
Learn How to Read Your Energy Field ~ Healing with Your Higherself
For a multidimensional healing session that works throughout the 12 layers of the human energy matrix spanning from the Cosmic Sun Star to the Cosmic Gateway focusing on clearing, healing, integrating, activating and upgrading the templates held in your energy field please visit my website at
For more information regarding private channeling, mentorship session, Channeling Your Higherself, Quantum Energy Healing, QHHT, Quantum Hypnosis, Sound Healing, Soul Journey Readings, Energy Matrix Readings, Galactic Heritage Readings and/or classes & retreats, please visit:
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